Helpful Links
Leta Brandes Law, LLC is committed to help you obtaining the information you need, whether you have been through a dissolution of marriage, adopted a child, or if you are a child that has been abused and neglected.
The Internet today brings a vast variety of information that is available to help your healing process or to simply provide you with the information you need. Leta Brandes Law, LLC uses our experience to help you get the information for your situation.
Please take time to go through our links and if you do not find what you are looking for, simply contact us with your questions and we will try to help you.
Leta Brandes Law, LLC provides these links as helpful information and cannot guarantee the organizations are credible. Please complete due diligence.
Family Resources
Colorado Judicial Branch Self Help Center provides Self Help forms from the Colorado Supreme Court website.
The United States Surrogacy Law Map™. Surrogacy law, whether by statute or case law, is constantly evolving and changing. The laws are different from state-to-state, and sometimes even from county-to-county. We have compiled the leading state-by-state surrogacy law map as actually practiced in the 50 states.
Colorado Judicial Branch Self Help Center provides Child Support worksheets from the Colorado Supreme Court website.
Family Support Registry and Child Support Enforcement assures that all children receive financial and medical support from each parent by locating each parent, establishing paternity and support obligations, and enforcing those obligations.
Early Intervention Colorado provides early intervention supports and services to infants, toddlers, and their families within their communities throughout Colorado.
Support for Children
Colorado CASA is a network of 18 programs across the state. These programs range from serving a few children to hundreds, and have from one staff member to over thirty. They encompass metro and rural areas, children and families of all ethnicities and financial positions, and handle challenges of geography and resources across the state.
Illuminate Colorado is a united network of four established organizations partnering to build brighter childhoods through education, advocacy, and family support. Governed by a single Board of Directors, agency programs are fully integrated to leverage resources and increase overall capacity to implement powerful programs to keep kids safe.
Domestic Violence
TESSA strives to provide holistic, seamless services to all victims of domestic and sexual violence within their community who seek their services. TESSA provides Housing, Counseling, Legal Assistance, Community Engagement & Relationships, Prevention, and Youth Education.